Friday, October 1, 2010

Spy Game - One puzzle a day - Puzzle Buddies

A spy wants to break in to a highly secured building.there is only one way to enter and two guards are always on duty. The only way to get access is to answer the guards correctly.
The spy watches three people coming and he overheard the questions asked and answers given.all three men are given access to the facility.
Th Question and answers are given below.

Guard 1 said 12 first person replied 6
Guard 1 said 6 second person replied 3
Guard 1 said 2 third person replied 3

Guard 2 said 1 first person replied 11
Guard 2 said 11 second person replied 21
Guard 2 said 12 third person replied 1112

After this spy moved in
guard 1 said 3 spy replied
guard 2 said 1112 spy replied .

Guards allowed the spy in. what were the answers given by the spy?

Solution:Answer to the first guard 5.answer to the second guard 3112

answer to first guard is the number of letters in each number he says.
12(TWELVE) --six letters so answer 6
6(SIX)-- three letters so answer 3
answer to second guard is the using the contains..
1 contains one one --11
11 contains two ones-21
12 contains one one and one two-1121

Subodh is the Winner.


  1. The first answer is 5...

  2. Got it! The second answer is 3112 (Three 1 One 2)

  3. Interesting. Quite tricky. Liked it.

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