Friday, December 10, 2010

How many Days- One Puzzle a Day -Puzzle Buddies

Puzzle: There is a frog lying under the bottom of a well of depth 40 meters.every day morning the frog leaps up 4 meters and it sleeps till next morning.while the frog is asleep he falls 3 meters many days it will take the frog to escape from the well?

Note: Don't forget to visit us again. Answer to the puzzle will be posted tomorrow with winner's name. You can provide your answer in comments.
on first day the frog jumps from 0 t0 4 meters and by night it slips 3 meters
so day 2 it starts at 1
day 3 it starts at 2 likewise
day 37 it starts at 36 and it jumps 4 meters and it comes out
So it takes 37 days.

Winner: Gaurave

1 comment:

  1. 2nd morning - 1 ft
    3rd morning - 2 ft
    4th morning - 4 ft
    37th morning -36 ft
    37th morning next jump and its 40 ft.

    So answer is 37 days.
