Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Creepy Creeps - One puzzle a day - Puzzle Buddies

Puzzle: Two vines, one Grape and other Poison Ivy, are both climbing up and round a cylindrical tree trunk. Grape twists clockwise and Poison Ivy anticlockwise, both start at the same point on the ground. before they reach the first branch of the tree the Grape had made 5 complete twists and the Poison Ivy 3 twists. not counting the bottom and the top, how many times do they cross? 
Source: Pratik Poddar puzzle blog
Solution: The best and most easy to understand the solution is that we can cut the cylinder to make a rectangle of width = 1 complete circle.Then just count the number of intersections. We are not counting the top and the bottom one and thus it will be 5 + 3 -1 = 7.
Winner: No one today.