Thursday, November 11, 2010

Breaking Up a Chocolate Bar - One puzzle a day - Puzzle Buddies

Puzzle:How many steps are required to break an m x n bar of chocolate into 1 x 1 pieces?

You can break an existing piece of chocolate horizontally or vertically.

You cannot break two or more pieces at once (so no cutting through stacks).

Note: Don't forget to visit us again. Answer to the puzzle will be posted tomorrow.

You need mn – 1 steps.

By breaking an existing piece horizontally or vertically, you merely increase the total number of pieces by one.

You already have 1 piece, so need mn – 1 steps to get to mn pieces.

Winner: Kasturi


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What if you can only break one side of a 1x1 piece at a time, assuming it's doable practically. How many steps you need to achieve the same goal?
